r.api : module documentation

Part of reven

The REVEN python API.

Provide a pythonic way to interact with a Reven project. This mainly provides an object oriented wrapper on the low level api, plus a few helper functions to make REVEN scripting more straightforward. A minimal caching mechanism is also implemented under the hood but it should be completely transparent for the interface users.

To use it, the first step is to connect to a running Reven project, for example on port 13370 of the host localhost:

>>> import reven
>>> p = reven.Project('localhost', 13370)

Missing native api binding

A few low-level objects are not exposed yet:

Use the reven_api module to use those objects.


Every notable changes to this api will be documented in this file.


0.0.1 - 2016-04-01 (with REVEN 1.3.0)

Class TaintDiff A taint propagation diff. It stores which elements either gain or loss the taint.
Class Taint The result of a taint propagation on a trace.
Class Criterion Criterion base class. Shouldn't be instanciated.
Class AddressCriterion Criterion object to select addresses.
Class BinaryCriterion Criterion object to select binaries.
Class SymbolCriterion Criterion object to select symbols.
Class DeviceCriterion Criterion object to select devices.
Class Report Inspector report about an execution. Can signal: - potential bugs detected in the trace (such as use after free). - execute after writes
Class FrameBuffer Video framebuffer information.
Class AddressSpace Abstract representation of non contiguous memory region.
Class FileAddressSpace An address space representing memory mapped files.
Class ProcessAddressSpace An address space representing a process memory.
Class DeviceAddressSpace An address space representing a device physical memory.
Class Binary Executable file information.
Class Process A running process.
Class ProcessSwitch A process switch during an execution.
Class Device A hardware device with port and memory ranges.
Class DeviceAccess An harware device access. Represent either a read or write access to a port or physical memory.
Class Symbolic Base class for symbolic objects.
Class SymbolicRegister A Cpu register symbolic representation.
Class SymbolicPhysicalMemory No class docstring; 2/5 methods documented
Class Symbol A symbol inside a binary.
Class Instruction A basic block instruction.
Class BasicBlock A block of uninterrupted instructions.
Class Memory This object represents the state of memory at a specified trace point.
Class MemoryAccess Represents memory access triggered by either by a the cpu or a device (mmio).
Class Cpu Cpu state on some trace point.
Class Point A point in a trace.
Class RegisterAccessPointIterator Iterator on points accessing given register (read or write) from a Point.
Class MemoryAccessPointIterator Iterator on points accessing given memory (read or write) from a Point.
Class Sequence Wrapper for reven_api.sequence_in_run. This class is an implementation detail of the api and may not be used directly.
Class Trace Wrapper for reven_api.execution_run.
Class Save A saved project.
Class ExecutionProgress Execution progress.
Class InspectorMemoryHistory This inspector tracks the history of all memory accesses. Activating it is highly recommended.
Class InspectorExecutionsAfterWrite This inspector will to track executions after memory write like self modifying code. It requires inspector memory_range_history.
Class InspectorAlterExecution This inspector will alter the program's execution. Its alteration string is created through the rerun widget in Axion.
Class InspectorStopExecution This inspector will stop the execution when configured: either at a specific sequence, when a symbol is reached (if we know about the symbol early enough), or simply once the function we started the scenario in exits:
Class InspectorStringHistory This inspector will collect information about string that have been manipulated during the execution.
Class Project A reven project. This is the root api object.
API Documentation for reven, generated by pydoctor at 2017-01-20 15:13:29.