A change between two taint states, containing information about which data became tainted or lost the taint.

A taint change contains:


This object is not meant to be constructed directly. It is created by TaintChangeView


>>> changes = taint.changes()
>>> for change in changes.all():
>>>     # change is an instance of TaintChange
>>>     print(change)
Taint change at #7 mov qword ptr [rbp - 0x50], rax
Tainted memories:
[phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : gained[tag0,]

Taint change at #20 movaps xmmword ptr [rbp], xmm1 Tainted memories: [phy:0x1bdb4040; 1] : lost[tag1,]

Taint change at #27 lea rax, [rip + 0x3120] Tainted registers: rax : lost[tag0,]

Taint change at #14733764 mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 0x50] Tainted registers: rax : gained[tag0,]

Taint change at #14733789 mov rax, qword ptr [rsp + 0x90] Tainted registers: rax : lost[tag0,]

Taint change at #14746690 mov qword ptr [rsp + 0x30], r13 Tainted memories: [phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : [tag0,]

state at 10 Taint state at Context before #11 Tainted registers: rax : [tag0,] Tainted memories: [phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : lost[tag0,] [phy:0x1bdb4040; 1] : lost[tag1,]

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method transition Property: the transition that caused the change
Method tainted_registers Iterates over each TaintedRegisterSlice in this change and yields a pair of TaintedRegisterSlice and ChangeMarkers
Method tainted_memories Iterates over each TaintedMemories in this change and yields a pair of TaintedMemories and ChangeMarkers
Method state_before Get the TaintState before this change relatively to the taint direction.
Method state_after Get the TaintState after this change relatively to the taint direction.
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, trace, taint_data, taint_change):
def transition(self):

Property: the transition that caused the change


>>> changes = taint.changes()
>>> for change in changes.all():
>>>     # change is an instance of TaintChange
>>>     print(change.transition)


ReturnsA reven2.trace.Transition.
def tainted_registers(self):

Iterates over each TaintedRegisterSlice in this change and yields a pair of TaintedRegisterSlice and ChangeMarkers


>>> changes = taint.changes()
>>> for change in changes.all():
>>>     # change is an instance of TaintChange
>>>     for reg, change_markers in change.tainted_registers():
>>>         print(reg)
>>>         for handle, name in change_markers.gained:
>>>             print(name)
>>>         for handle, name in change_markers.lost:
>>>             print(name)


ReturnsA generator of (TaintedRegisterSlice, ChangeMarkers).
def tainted_memories(self):

Iterates over each TaintedMemories in this change and yields a pair of TaintedMemories and ChangeMarkers


>>> changes = taint.changes()
>>> for change in changes.all():
>>>     # change is an instance of TaintChange
>>>     for mem, change_markers in change.tainted_memories():
>>>         print(mem)
>>>         for handle, name in change_markers.gained:
>>>             print(name)
>>>         for handle, name in change_markers.lost:
>>>             print(name)
phy:0x46b5ff0; 8]
[phy:0x1bdb4040; 1]
[phy:0x46b5ff0; 8]


ReturnsA generator of (TaintedMemories, ChangeMarkers).
def state_before(self):

Get the TaintState before this change relatively to the taint direction.

If the taint is a Forward taint, then the state before is taint.state_at(change.transition.context_before())

If the taint is a Backward taint, then the state before is taint.state_at(change.transition.context_after())


>>> changes = taint.changes()
>>> for change in changes.all():
>>>     print (change.state_before())
Taint state at Context before #7
Tainted registers:
rax : [tag0,]
Tainted memories:
[phy:0x1bdb4040; 1] : [tag1,]

Taint state at Context before #20 Tainted registers: rax : [tag0,] Tainted memories: [phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : [tag0,] [phy:0x1bdb4040; 1] : [tag1,]

Taint state at Context before #27 Tainted registers: rax : [tag0,] Tainted memories: [phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : [tag0,]

Taint state at Context before #14733764 Tainted memories: [phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : [tag0,]

Taint state at Context before #14733789 Tainted registers: rax : [tag0,] Tainted memories: [phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : [tag0,]

Taint state at Context before #14746690 Tainted memories: [phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : [tag0,]


ReturnsA TaintState.
def state_after(self):

Get the TaintState after this change relatively to the taint direction.

If the taint is a Forward taint, then the state after is taint.state_at(change.transition.context_after())

If the taint is a Backward taint, then the state after is taint.state_at(change.transition.context_before())


>>> changes = taint.changes()
>>> for change in changes.all():
>>>     print (change.state_after())
Taint state at Context before #8
Tainted registers:
rax : [tag0,]
Tainted memories:
[phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : [tag0,]
[phy:0x1bdb4040; 1] : [tag1,]

Taint state at Context before #21 Tainted registers: rax : [tag0,] Tainted memories: [phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : [tag0,]

Taint state at Context before #28 Tainted memories: [phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : [tag0,]

Taint state at Context before #14733765 Tainted registers: rax : [tag0,] Tainted memories: [phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : [tag0,]

Taint state at Context before #14733790 Tainted memories: [phy:0x46b5ff0; 8] : [tag0,]

Taint state at Context before #14746691


ReturnsA TaintState.
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
API Documentation for reven2, generated by pydoctor at 2019-11-13 18:38:15.