class documentation

class OssiContext(object):

View In Hierarchy

Object that provide useful OSSI information for a particular context.


Must not be directly constructed but retrieved through the following examples.


>>> # From a Transition
>>> transition.context_before().ossi # from the context before the transition
>>> transition.context_after().ossi  # from the context after the transition
>>> # From a Context
>>> context.ossi
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method location Useful OSSI information related to an address, such as the nearest symbol or the base address.
Method process Information about the process currently executing at this context, such as the process's name and PID.
Method thread Information about the thread currently executing at this context, such as the thread's ID.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Instance Variable _datasource Undocumented
Instance Variable _ctx_id Undocumented
def __init__(self, _datasource, _ctx_id):


_datasource =


_ctx_id =


def location(self, addr=None):

Useful OSSI information related to an address, such as the nearest symbol or the base address.

If the location could not be resolved, None is returned.


>>> print(context.ossi.location())


ParametersaddrThe address on which the symbol context is query. if None, the value stored in the pc register is used as address. (type: int, long or None.)
ReturnsA Location or None.
def process(self):

Information about the process currently executing at this context, such as the process's name and PID.

If the current process cannot be resolved, None is returned.


>>> print(context.ossi.process())
MpCmdRun.exe (4936)


ReturnsA ossi.process.Process, or None.
def thread(self):

Information about the thread currently executing at this context, such as the thread's ID.

If the current thread cannot be resolved, None is returned.


>>> print(context.ossi.thread())


ReturnsA ossi.process.Thread, or None. (type: _Optional[_Thread])
def __repr__(self):


API Documentation for reven2, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-12-14 10:42:41.