class documentation

class RevenServer(object):

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A reven server. This is the root api object.

e.g: >>> import reven2 as rvn2

>>> reven_server = rvn2.RevenServer("localhost", 13370)
>>> reven_server
Reven server (localhost:13370) [connected]
>>> reven_server.port
>>> reven_server.is_connected()
>>> reven_server.disconnect()
>>> reven_server.status()
>>> reven_server.connect()
>>> reven_server.status()
Method __init__ Connect to a Reven server.
Property host Property: The reven host.
Property port Property: The reven port.
Method is_connected Check the current connection status.
Method connect Connect to the reven host.
Method disconnect Disconnect from the reven host.
Method status Get the connection status string.
Property trace Property: Get a reven2.trace.Trace instance, which is the entry point for information related to a trace, mostly transitions & contexts.
Property ossi Property: Get a reven2.ossi.Ossi instance, which is the entry point for information related to OSSI (OS Semantic Information) such as executed binaries.
Property sessions Property: Get a reven2.session.Sessions instance, which is the entry point for handling the tracked sessions or manually publishing events.
Property bookmarks Property: Get a reven2.bookmark.Bookmarks instance, which is the entry point for handling the bookmarks of this scenario.
Property scenario_name Property: The name of the scenario this server is running.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Instance Variable _host Undocumented
Instance Variable _port Undocumented
Instance Variable _rvn Undocumented
Instance Variable _trace Undocumented
Instance Variable _ossi_data_source Undocumented
Instance Variable _bookmarks Undocumented
Instance Variable _server_info Undocumented
Instance Variable _sessions Undocumented
def __init__(self, host, port, sessions='default'):

Connect to a Reven server.

ParametershostThe reven host.
portThe reven port.
sessionsThe reven2.session.Sessions to track when publishing events (such as transitions). Set a string to track a single named session, or pass a generator of strings to track all sessions in that generator.
_host =


_port =


_rvn =


_trace =


_ossi_data_source =


_bookmarks =


_server_info =


host =

Property: The reven host.


ReturnsA string.
port =

Property: The reven port.


ReturnsAn integer.
def is_connected(self):

Check the current connection status.


ParameterssessionsThe reven2.session.Sessions to track when publishing events (such as transitions). Set a string to track a single named session, or pass a generator of strings to track all sessions in that generator.
ReturnsTrue, if the connection with the server is currently open. Otherwise, False.
def connect(self, sessions='default'):

Connect to the reven host.

Use this method after having called disconnect to renew a connection to the server.


RaisesRuntimeErrorIf the connection is lost, in case of bad input, or in case of internal service error.
_sessions =


def disconnect(self):

Disconnect from the reven host.

This method immediately closes the connection to the server. Use this method to avoid locking a licence token by keeping connections longer than wanted.

NoteClosing the last connection to a REVEN server releases its licence token.

After calling this method, the is_connected method will return False at least until the connect method is called.

After calling this method on a project, objects obtained from the server should not be used anymore. Calls to some of their methods may then raise RuntimeError exceptions.

def status(self):

Get the connection status string.


Returns"connected" if currently connected, "disconnected" otherwise.
trace =

Property: Get a reven2.trace.Trace instance, which is the entry point for information related to a trace, mostly transitions & contexts.


ReturnsA reven2.trace.Trace.
RaisesExceptionIf the server status is disconnected.
ossi =

Property: Get a reven2.ossi.Ossi instance, which is the entry point for information related to OSSI (OS Semantic Information) such as executed binaries.


ReturnsA reven2.ossi.Ossi.
RaisesExceptionIf the server status is disconnected.
sessions =

Property: Get a reven2.session.Sessions instance, which is the entry point for handling the tracked sessions or manually publishing events.


ReturnsA reven2.session.Sessions.
RaisesExceptionIf the server status is disconnected.
bookmarks =

Property: Get a reven2.bookmark.Bookmarks instance, which is the entry point for handling the bookmarks of this scenario.


ReturnsA reven2.bookmark.Bookmarks.
scenario_name =

Property: The name of the scenario this server is running.


ReturnsA str.
def __repr__(self):


API Documentation for reven2, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-12-14 10:42:41.