class documentation

class CallSiteValues(object):

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Helper class to access arguments and return value from a `call` transition.

Method __init__
Method ret
Method arg Get the value of the argument, by name.
Method arg_n Get the value of the argument, by index.
Method args Get argument values as a dictionary indexed by argument name
Instance Variable _call_tr Undocumented
Instance Variable _after_ret_tr Undocumented
Instance Variable _proto Undocumented
Instance Variable _args Undocumented
def __init__(self, call_tr, proto):
Parameterscall_trcall transition Transition (type: Transition)
protoprototype info Prototype (type: Prototype)
_call_tr =


_after_ret_tr =


_proto =


_args =


def ret(self):
Returnsthe ret value as given by (type: _Any)
RaisesRuntimeErrorif the `ret` transition is not found.
def arg(self, name):

Get the value of the argument, by name.

Parametersnamename of the argument. (type: str)
Returnsvalue of the argument as given by (type: _Any)
RaisesKeyErrorif no argument found with given name.
def arg_n(self, index):

Get the value of the argument, by index.

Parametersindexindex of the argument, starts at 0 for first argument. (type: int)
Returnsvalue of the argument as given by (type: _Any)
RaisesIndexErrorif no argument at given index.
def args(self):

Get argument values as a dictionary indexed by argument name

Arguments without a name use "arg{argument_index}" as a key.

Returnsdictionary of argument name to value (type: _Dict[str, _Any])
API Documentation for reven2, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-12-14 10:42:41.