class documentation

class DelEvent(Event):

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Event that occurs when an existing slice that matches the pattern is overwritten in the trace.

The associated Match will never receive further Events.


Any write access to a Match causes the slice to be deleted, regardless of whether the write changes the content of the slice. If the slice still matches the pattern after a write access, then a NewEvent for a new Match is emitted on the same transition as this DelEvent.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method format_as_html This method gets an html formatting string representation for this class instance.
Method _repr_html_ Representation used by Jupyter Notebook when an instance of this class is displayed in a cell.

Inherited from Event:

Property match Property: Match object that was modified by this Event.
Property transition Property: reven2.trace.Transition where the event occurred.
Method current_matches The current state of the Matches when this event has been produced by the search.
Instance Variable _match Undocumented
Instance Variable _transition Undocumented
Instance Variable _current_matches Undocumented
def __init__(self, event_match, transition, current_matches):
def __str__(self):


def format_as_html(self):

This method gets an html formatting string representation for this class instance.


def _repr_html_(self):

Representation used by Jupyter Notebook when an instance of this class is displayed in a cell.

API Documentation for reven2, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-12-14 10:42:41.