Searching for function calls
Looking for an exact symbol name
symbol_name = "CreateProcessW"
binary_hint = r"kernelbase\.dll"
symbol = next(server.ossi.symbols(f"^{symbol_name}$",
except StopIteration:
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find symbol '{symbol_name}' with binary hint '{binary_hint}'")
for ctx in
Looking for multiple symbols
The example provides an iterator of the tuples where the first element is the context of the call, and the second the name of the called symbol.
from itertools import repeat
def first_symbol(symbol_name):
return next(server.ossi.symbols(f"^{symbol_name}$", binary_hint=binary))
binary = "c:/windows/system32/ntoskrnl.exe"
symbols = ["NtCreateFile", "NtOpenFile", "NtOpenDirectoryObject"]
symbols_name = [(first_symbol(symbol), symbol) for symbol in symbols]
symbols_name = [zip([0]),
repeat(symbol[1])) for symbol in symbols_name]
for ctx_name in reven2.util.collate(symbols_name, lambda ctx_name: ctx_name[0]):
print(f"{ctx_name[1]}: {ctx_name[0]}")
Sample output:
NtCreateFile: Context before #4468509
NtCreateFile: Context before #4479526
NtCreateFile: Context before #6451786
NtCreateFile: Context before #6852400
NtCreateFile: Context before #7666717
NtCreateFile: Context before #8067013
NtCreateFile: Context before #8298671
NtCreateFile: Context before #8648240
NtOpenFile: Context before #26656294
NtCreateFile: Context before #35251786
NtOpenFile: Context before #36420358
NtOpenFile: Context before #43268534
NtOpenDirectoryObject: Context before #43420816
NtOpenFile: Context before #43450170