Generate a PCAP file containing all network packets that were sent/received in a trace.
The timestamp of packets is replaced by the transition id where the packet was sent/received.
How to use
usage: dump_pcap.py [-h] [--host host] [--port port] [--filename file_name]
Dump a PCAP file from a Windows 10 x64 trace. To get the time as transition ID in wireshark, select:
View->Time display format->Seconds since 1970-01-01
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host host Reven host, as a string (default: "localhost")
--port port Reven port, as an int (default: 13370)
--filename file_name the output file name (default: "output.pcap"). Will be created if it doesn't exist
--fix-checksum If not specified, the packet checksum won't be fixed and you will have the buffer
that has been dumped from memory, and a lot of ugly packets in Wireshark,
that you can also ignore if needed.
Known limitations
Supported versions
REVEN 2.2+
Supported perimeter
Any Windows 10 x64 scenario.
- The script requires the scapy package
- The
file distributed alongside this example must be provided (e.g. in the same directory). - The script requires that the target REVEN scenario have:
- The Fast Search feature replayed.
- The OSSI feature replayed.
- An access to the binary
and its PDB file.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import itertools
import os
import network_packet_tools as nw_tools
import reven2
from scapy.all import Ether, TCP, wrpcap
# Dump PCAP
## Purpose
Generate a PCAP file containing all network packets that were sent/received in a trace.
The timestamp of packets is replaced by the transition id where the packet was sent/received.
## How to use
usage: dump_pcap.py [-h] [--host host] [--port port] [--filename file_name]
Dump a PCAP file from a Windows 10 x64 trace. To get the time as transition ID in wireshark, select:
View->Time display format->Seconds since 1970-01-01
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host host Reven host, as a string (default: "localhost")
--port port Reven port, as an int (default: 13370)
--filename file_name the output file name (default: "output.pcap"). Will be created if it doesn't exist
--fix-checksum If not specified, the packet checksum won't be fixed and you will have the buffer
that has been dumped from memory, and a lot of ugly packets in Wireshark,
that you can also ignore if needed.
## Known limitations
## Supported versions
REVEN 2.2+
## Supported perimeter
Any Windows 10 x64 scenario.
## Dependencies
- The script requires the scapy package
- The `network_packet_tools.py` file distributed alongside this example must be provided (e.g. in the same directory).
- The script requires that the target REVEN scenario have:
- The Fast Search feature replayed.
- The OSSI feature replayed.
- An access to the binary `e1g6032e.sys` and its PDB file.
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Dump a PCAP file from a Windows 10 x64 trace. "
"To get the time as transition ID in "
"wireshark, select:\nView->Time display format->Seconds since "
help='Reven host, as a string (default: "localhost")',
"--port", metavar="port", dest="port", help="Reven port, as an int (default: 13370)", type=int, default=13370
help="the output " 'file name (default: "output.pcap"). Will be created if it doesn\'t exist',
help="If not specified, the packet checksum won't be fixed and you will have the buffer that \
has been dumped from memory, and a lot of ugly packets in Wireshark, that you can also ignore \
if needed.",
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def get_network_buffer_recv_RxPacketAssemble(ctx):
packet_address = nw_tools.get_memory_address_and_size_of_received_network_packet(ctx)
Buffer = None
sources = []
if packet_address[0] is not None and packet_address[1] is not None:
sources = [(packet_address[0], packet_address[1])]
# Get the buffer
Buffer = ctx.read(packet_address[0], packet_address[1], raw=True)
return sources, Buffer
def get_network_buffer_send_NdisSendNetBufferLists(ctx):
packet_addresses = nw_tools.get_memory_addresses_and_sizes_of_sent_network_packet(ctx)
Buffer = None
sources = []
# read buffer and join them
for address in packet_addresses:
sources.append((address[0], address[1]))
if Buffer is None:
Buffer = ctx.read(address[0], address[1], raw=True)
Buffer += ctx.read(address[0], address[1], raw=True)
return sources, Buffer
def get_all_send_recv(reven_server):
print("[+] Get all sent/received packets...")
send_queries, recv_queries = nw_tools.get_all_send_recv_packet_context(reven_server)
# `reven2.util.collate` enables to iterate over multiple generators in a sorted way
send_results = zip(reven2.util.collate(send_queries), itertools.repeat("send"))
recv_results = zip(reven2.util.collate(recv_queries), itertools.repeat("recv"))
# Return a sorted generator of both results regarding their context
return reven2.util.collate([send_results, recv_results], lambda ctx_type: ctx_type[0])
def dump_pcap(reven_server, output_file="output.pcap", fix_checksum=False):
if os.path.isfile(output_file):
raise RuntimeError(
'"{}" already exists. Choose an other output file or remove it before running the script.'.format(
print("[+] Creating pcap from trace...")
# Get all send and recv from the trace
results = list(get_all_send_recv(reven_server))
if len(results) == 0:
print("[+] Finished: no network packets were sent/received in the trace")
# Get packets buffers and create the pcap file.
print("[+] Convert packets to pcap format and write to file...")
for ctx, ty in results:
# Just detect if send or recv context
if ty == "send":
sources, buf = get_network_buffer_send_NdisSendNetBufferLists(ctx)
sources, buf = get_network_buffer_recv_RxPacketAssemble(ctx)
if buf is not None:
packet = Ether(bytes(buf))
# Here we check wether or not we have to fix checksum.
if fix_checksum:
if TCP in packet:
del packet[TCP].chksum
# Replace the time in the packet by the transition ID, so that we get
# it in Wireshark in a nice way.
transition = ctx.transition_before().id
packet.time = transition
# Write packet to pcap file
wrpcap(output_file, packet, append=True)
# Print packet information
sources_str = ", ".join(
["{size} bytes at {address}".format(size=size, address=address) for address, size in sources]
print("#{transition} [{type}] {sources}".format(transition=transition, type=ty, sources=sources_str))
print("[+] Finished: PCAP file is '{}'.".format(output_file))
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args()
# Get a server instance
reven_server = reven2.RevenServer(args.host, args.port)
# Generate the PCAP file
dump_pcap(reven_server, output_file=args.file_name, fix_checksum=args.fix_checksum)