Listing the processes, binaries in the trace

Listing the processes executed in the trace

REVEN v2.10.0
OS Windows 64-bit
for process in server.ossi.executed_processes(): print(process)

Sample output:

cmd.exe (2320) chat_client.exe (2832) conhost.exe (2704) cmd.exe (2716) ShellExperienceHost.exe (2044) svchost.exe (876) conhost.exe (2596) ...

Listing the binaries executed in the trace

REVEN v2.2.0
for binary in server.ossi.executed_binaries(): print(binary)

Sample output:

c:/windows/system32/wevtsvc.dll c:/windows/system32/oleacc.dll c:/windows/system32/inputswitch.dll c:/windows/explorer.exe c:/windows/system32/ci.dll c:/windows/system32/drivers/pciidex.sys c:/windows/system32/drivers/intelide.sys

Finding a single binary in the trace

REVEN v2.2.0
def find_one_binary(binary_path): """ Return the binary corresponding to the passed portion of its path if any, None if there isn't one, and throws if there would be two matches or more. """ query = server.ossi.executed_binaries(binary_path) try: first = next(query) except StopIteration: return None try: second = next(query) raise ValueError(f"Found multiple binaries '{first}' and '{second}' for query '{binary_path}'") except StopIteration: return first

Finding the base address where a binary has been loaded

Because a binary can be loaded multiple times at different addresses in a trace, we recover the base address from a Context where the binary is executed.

Finding the base address of the first instance of a binary in the trace

REVEN v2.2.0
def find_first_base_address(binary: reven2.ossi.ossi.Binary): for ctx in return ctx.ossi.location().base_address

Finding all the base addresses of a binary in a specified process

REVEN v2.10.0
def find_base_address_in_process(binary: reven2.ossi.ossi.Binary, process: reven2.ossi.process.Process): for ctx_range in server.trace.filter(processes=(process,)): for ctx in, ctx_range.begin, ctx_range.end): return ctx.ossi.location().base_address