Compatibility information


Due to how bookmarks are now stored server-side, bookmark files (*.rbm) cannot be used directly in version 2.5 or superior.

You can use the script (in the Download page of the Project Manager) to import rbm files to 2.5 bookmarks.

Resource compatibility

The following resources replayed in a version before 2.3 must be deleted and replayed:

  • Light OSSI/kernel_description
  • Backtrace/stack_events
  • Fast Search/binary_ranges

In order to do so:

  1. Open the Project Manager
  2. Click the Scenario Manager tab
  3. Click the name of the scenario you want to replay (scenarios with outdated resources are indicated by red and orange dots next to the scenario status)
  4. Click Replay
  5. Delete the resources, select them for replay and click replay.

General compatibility information

  • This version is backward compatible with artifacts from previous 2.x versions such as VMs, VM snapshots, scenario recordings and resources not listed above.

  • Scenarios recorded with version 2.6 cannot be replayed with an older version of REVEN.

  • Following a bugfix, should you decide to replay pre-2.6 trace and memory history in version 2.6 or superior, transition numbers will be different after the replay. For this case, we provide a script (to run after replaying the trace and memory history) that updates bookmarks you would have set on the scenario before upgrading. You should run this script if you notice that the bookmarks of a scenario are no longer at the correct location after upgrading and replaying the trace and memory history. We recommend you backup the bookmarks.sqlite file in the UserData directory of your scenario before running this script. The script can be downloaded from the "DOWNLOADS" page of the Project Manager, in the "Python API - Analyze" example section.

  • When replaying either the trace or the memory history for a QEMU scenario recorded pre-2.2.0, take care to replay both the trace and the memory history: due to a bug fix, traces may have their number of transitions increased by 1, or a modified last context.

  • Live QEMU snapshots created in a version before 2.1.0-beta may exhibit an undesirable mouse cursor behavior where the mouse cursor of the guest is displayed at a different position than the actual mouse cursor from the controlling host. Affected live snapshots must be removed and created again from a running VM.