Export bookmarks
This notebook and script are designed to export the bookmarks of a scenario, for example for inclusion in a report. The meat of the script uses the ability of the API to iterate on the bookmarks of a REVEN scenario:
for bookmark in self._server.bookmarks.all():
# do something with the bookmark.id, bookmark.transition and bookmark.description
See the Document class and in particular its add_bookmarks
function for details.
How to use
Bookmark can be exported from this notebook or from the command line. The script can also be imported as a package for use from your own script or notebook.
From the notebook
- Upload the
file in Jupyter. - Fill out the parameters cell of this notebook according to your scenario and desired output.
- Run the full notebook.
From the command line
- Make sure that you are in an environment that can run REVEN scripts.
- Run
python export_bookmarks.py --help
to get a tour of available arguments. - Run
python export_bookmarks.py --host <your_host> --port <your_port> [<other_option>]
with your arguments of choice.
Imported in your own script or notebook
- Make sure that you are in an environment that can run REVEN scripts.
- Make sure that
is in the same directory as your script or notebook. - Add
import export_bookmarks
to your script or notebook. You can access the various functions and classes exposed byexport_bookmarks.py
from theexport_bookmarks
namespace. - Refer to the Argument parsing cell for an example of use in a script, and to the
Parameters cell and below for an example of use in a notebook (you just need to preprend
in front of the functions and classes from the script).
Customizing the notebook/script
To add a new format or change the output, you may want to:
- Modify the various enumeration types that control the output to add your new format or option.
- Modify the Formatter class to account for your new format.
- Modify the Document class to account for your new output control option.
Known limitations
Supported versions
REVEN 2.8+
Supported perimeter
Any REVEN scenario.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---
# jupyter:
# jupytext:
# formats: ipynb,py:percent
# text_representation:
# extension: .py
# format_name: percent
# format_version: '1.3'
# jupytext_version: 1.11.2
# kernelspec:
# display_name: reven
# language: python
# name: reven-python3
# ---
# %% [markdown]
# # Export bookmarks
# ## Purpose
# This notebook and script are designed to export the bookmarks of a scenario, for example for inclusion in a report.
# The meat of the script uses the ability of the API to iterate on the bookmarks of a REVEN scenario:
# ```py
# for bookmark in self._server.bookmarks.all():
# # do something with the bookmark.id, bookmark.transition and bookmark.description
# ```
# See the [Document](#Document) class and in particular its `add_bookmarks` function for details.
# ## How to use
# Bookmark can be exported from this notebook or from the command line.
# The script can also be imported as a package for use from your own script or notebook.
# ### From the notebook
# 1. Upload the `export_bookmarks.ipynb` file in Jupyter.
# 2. Fill out the [parameters](#Parameters) cell of this notebook according to your scenario and desired output.
# 3. Run the full notebook.
# ### From the command line
# 1. Make sure that you are in an
# [environment](http://doc.tetrane.com/professional/latest/Python-API/Installation.html#on-the-reven-server)
# that can run REVEN scripts.
# 2. Run `python export_bookmarks.py --help` to get a tour of available arguments.
# 3. Run `python export_bookmarks.py --host <your_host> --port <your_port> [<other_option>]` with your arguments of
# choice.
# ### Imported in your own script or notebook
# 1. Make sure that you are in an
# [environment](http://doc.tetrane.com/professional/latest/Python-API/Installation.html#on-the-reven-server)
# that can run REVEN scripts.
# 2. Make sure that `export_bookmarks.py` is in the same directory as your script or notebook.
# 3. Add `import export_bookmarks` to your script or notebook. You can access the various functions and classes
# exposed by `export_bookmarks.py` from the `export_bookmarks` namespace.
# 4. Refer to the [Argument parsing](#Argument-parsing) cell for an example of use in a script, and to the
# [Parameters](#Parameters) cell and below for an example of use in a notebook (you just need to preprend
# `export_bookmarks` in front of the functions and classes from the script).
# ## Customizing the notebook/script
# To add a new format or change the output, you may want to:
# - Modify the various [enumeration types](#Output-option-types) that control the output to add your new format or
# option.
# - Modify the [Formatter](#Formatter) class to account for your new format.
# - Modify the [Document](#Document) class to account for your new output control option.
# ## Known limitations
# N/A.
# ## Supported versions
# REVEN 2.8+
# ## Supported perimeter
# Any REVEN scenario.
# ## Dependencies
# None.
# %% [markdown]
# ### Package imports
# %%
import argparse # for argument parsing
import datetime # Date generation
from enum import Enum
from html import escape as html_escape
from typing import Iterable, Optional
import reven2 # type: ignore
# Jupyter rendering
from IPython.display import display, HTML, Markdown # type: ignore
except ImportError:
# %% [markdown]
# ### Utility functions
# %%
# Detect if we are currently running a Jupyter notebook.
# This is used to display rendered results inline in Jupyter when we are executing in the context of a Jupyter
# notebook, or to display raw results on the standard output when we are executing in the context of a script.
def in_notebook():
from IPython import get_ipython # type: ignore
if get_ipython() is None or ('IPKernelApp' not in get_ipython().config):
return False
except ImportError:
return False
return True
# %% [markdown]
# ### Output option types
# The enum types below are used to control the output of the script.
# Modify these enums to add more options if you want to add e.g. new output formats.
# %%
class HeaderOption(Enum):
NoHeader = 0
Simple = 1
class OutputFormat(Enum):
Raw = 0
Markdown = 1
Html = 2
class SortOrder(Enum):
Transition = 0
Creation = 1
# %% [markdown]
# ### Formatter
# This is the rendering boilerplate.
# Modify this if you e.g. need to add new output formats.
# %%
class Formatter:
def __init__(
format: OutputFormat,
self._format = format
def header(self, title: str) -> str:
if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
return f"<h1>{title}</h1>"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
return f"# {title}\n\n"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
return f"{title}\n\n"
raise NotImplementedError(f"'header' with {self._format}")
def paragraph(self, paragraph: str) -> str:
if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
return f"<p>{paragraph}</p>"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
return f"\n\n{paragraph}\n\n"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
return f"\n{paragraph}\n"
raise NotImplementedError(f"'paragraph' with {self._format}")
def horizontal_ruler(self) -> str:
if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
return "<hr/>"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
return "\n---\n"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
return "\n---\n"
raise NotImplementedError(f"'horizontal_ruler' with {self._format}")
def transition(self, transition: reven2.trace.Transition) -> str:
if transition.instruction is not None:
tr_desc = str(transition.instruction)
tr_desc = str(transition.exception)
if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
if in_notebook():
tr_id = f"{transition.format_as_html()}"
tr_id = f"#{transition.id} "
return f"{tr_id} <code>{tr_desc}</code>"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
return f"`#{transition.id}` `{tr_desc}`"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
return f"#{transition.id}\t{tr_desc}"
raise NotImplementedError(f"'transition' with {self._format}")
def newline(self) -> str:
if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
return "<br/>"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
return " \n" # EOL spaces to have a newline in markdown
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
return "\n"
raise NotImplementedError(f"'newline' with {self._format}")
def paragraph_begin(self) -> str:
if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
return "<p>"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
return "\n\n"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
return "\n"
raise NotImplementedError(f"'paragraph_begin' with {self._format}")
def paragraph_end(self) -> str:
if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
return "</p>"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
return "\n\n"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
return "\n"
raise NotImplementedError(f"'paragraph_end' with {self._format}")
def important(self, important: str) -> str:
if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
return f"<strong>{important}</strong>"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
return f"**{important}**"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
return f"{important} <- HERE"
raise NotImplementedError(f"'important' with {self._format}")
def code(self, code: str) -> str:
if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
return f"<code>{code}</code>"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
return f"`{code}`"
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
return f"{code}"
raise NotImplementedError(f"'code' with {self._format}")
def render(self, text, output):
if output is None:
if in_notebook():
if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
raise NotImplementedError(f"inline rendering with {self._format}")
with open(output, "w") as f:
except OSError as ose:
raise ValueError(f"Could not open file {output}: {ose}")
# %% [markdown]
# ### Document
# This is the main logic of the script.
# %%
class Document:
def __init__(
server: reven2.RevenServer,
sort: SortOrder,
context: Optional[int],
header: HeaderOption,
format: OutputFormat,
output: Optional[str],
escape_description: bool,
self._text = ""
self._server = server
if context is None:
self._context = 0
self._context = context
self._header_opt = header
self._escape_description = escape_description
self._output = output
self._sort = sort
self._formatter = Formatter(format)
def add_bookmarks(self):
if self._sort == SortOrder.Creation:
for bookmark in sorted(self._server.bookmarks.all(), key=lambda bookmark: bookmark.id):
for bookmark in sorted(self._server.bookmarks.all(), key=lambda bookmark: bookmark.transition):
def add_bookmark(self, bookmark: reven2.bookmark.Bookmark):
self._text += self._formatter.paragraph_begin()
if bookmark.transition.id < self._context:
first_transition = self._server.trace.first_transition
first_transition = bookmark.transition - self._context
for transition in self._server.trace.transitions(
first_transition, bookmark.transition
# Catch possible transitions that would out of the trace due to the value of context
if bookmark.transition != self._server.trace.last_transition:
if bookmark.transition.id + self._context > self._server.trace.last_transition.id:
last_transition = self._server.trace.last_transition
last_transition = bookmark.transition + 1 + self._context
for transition in self._server.trace.transitions(
bookmark.transition + 1, last_transition
self._text += self._formatter.paragraph_end()
self._text += self._formatter.horizontal_ruler()
def add_header(self):
if self._header_opt == HeaderOption.NoHeader:
elif self._header_opt == HeaderOption.Simple:
scenario_name = self._server.scenario_name
self._text += self._formatter.header(f"Bookmarks for scenario {scenario_name}")
date = datetime.datetime.now()
self._text += self._formatter.paragraph(f"Generated on {str(date)}")
self._text += self._formatter.horizontal_ruler()
def add_transitions(self, transitions: Iterable[reven2.trace.Transition]):
for transition in transitions:
self._text += self._formatter.transition(transition)
self._text += self._formatter.newline()
def add_bookmark_transition(self, transition: reven2.trace.Transition):
tr_format = self._formatter.transition(transition)
alone = self._context == 0
self._text += self._formatter.important(tr_format) if not alone else tr_format
self._text += self._formatter.newline()
def add_bookmark_header(self, bookmark: reven2.bookmark.Bookmark):
if self._escape_description:
bookmark_description = html_escape(bookmark.description)
bookmark_description = bookmark.description
self._text += f"{bookmark_description}"
self._text += self._formatter.newline()
def add_location(self, transition: reven2.trace.Transition):
ossi = transition.context_before().ossi
if ossi and ossi.location():
location = self._formatter.code(html_escape(str(ossi.location())))
self._text += self._formatter.paragraph(f"Location: {location}")
def render(self):
self._formatter.render(self._text, self._output)
# %% [markdown]
# ### Main function
# This function is called with parameters from the [Parameters](#Parameters) cell in the notebook context,
# or with parameters from the command line in the script context.
# %%
def export_bookmarks(
server: reven2.RevenServer,
sort: SortOrder,
context: Optional[int],
header: HeaderOption,
format: OutputFormat,
escape_description: bool,
output: Optional[str],
document = Document(
# %% [markdown]
# ### Argument parsing
# Argument parsing function for use in the script context.
# %%
def get_sort(sort: str) -> SortOrder:
if sort.lower() == "transition":
return SortOrder.Transition
if sort.lower() in ["creation", "id"]:
return SortOrder.Creation
raise ValueError(
f"'order' value should be 'transition' or 'creation'. Received '{sort}'."
def get_header(header: str) -> HeaderOption:
if header.lower() == "no":
return HeaderOption.NoHeader
elif header.lower() == "simple":
return HeaderOption.Simple
raise ValueError(f"'header' value should be 'no' or 'simple'. Received '{header}'.")
def get_format(format: str) -> OutputFormat:
if format.lower() == "html":
return OutputFormat.Html
elif format.lower() == "md" or format.lower() == "markdown":
return OutputFormat.Markdown
elif format.lower() == "raw" or format.lower() == "text":
return OutputFormat.Raw
raise ValueError(
"'format' value should be one of 'html', 'md' or 'raw'. Received '{format}'."
def script_main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Export the bookmarks of a scenario to a report.")
help='REVEN host, as a string (default: "localhost")',
help="REVEN port, as an int (default: 13370)",
help="Print CONTEXT lines of surrounding context around the bookmark's instruction",
choices=["no", "simple"],
help="Whether to preprend the output with a header or not (default: no)",
choices=["html", "md", "raw"],
help="The output format (default: html).",
choices=["transition", "creation"],
help="The sort order of bookmarks in the report (default: transition).",
help="If present, don't escape the HTML in the bookmark descriptions.",
help="The target file of the report. If absent, the report will be printed on the standard output.",
args = parser.parse_args()
server = reven2.RevenServer(args.host, args.port)
except RuntimeError:
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not connect to the server on {args.host}:{args.port}.")
sort = get_sort(args.order)
header = get_header(args.header)
format = get_format(args.format)
escape_description=(not args.no_escape_description),
# %% [markdown]
# ## Parameters
# These parameters have to be filled out to use in the notebook context.
# %%
# Server connection
host = "localhost"
port = 36155
# Output target
# If set to a path, writes the report file there
output_file = None # display report inline in the Jupyter Notebook
# output_file = "report.html" # export report to a file named "report.html" in the current directory
# Output control
# Sort order of bookmarks
order = SortOrder.Transition # Bookmarks will be displayed in increasing transition number.
# order = SortOrder.Creation # Bookmarks will be displayed in their order of creation.
# Number of transitions to display around the transition of each bookmark
context = 0 # Only display the bookmark transition
# context = 3 # Displays 3 lines above and 3 lines below the bookmark transition
# Whether to prepend a header at the top of the report
header = HeaderOption.Simple # Display a simple header with the scenario name and generation date
# header = HeaderOption.NoHeader # Don't display any header
# The format of the report.
# When the output target is set to a file, this specifies the format of that file.
# When the output target is `None` (report rendered inline), the difference between HTML and Markdown
# mostly influences how the description of the bookmarks is interpreted.
format = OutputFormat.Html # Bookmark description and output file rendered as HTML
# format = export_bookmarks.OutputFormat.Markdown # Bookmark description and output file rendered as Markdown
# format = export_bookmarks.OutputFormat.Raw # Everything rendered as raw text
# Whether to escape HTML in the description of bookmarks.
escape_description = False # HTML will not be escaped in description
# escape_description = True # HTML will be escaped in description
# %% [markdown]
# ### Execution cell
# This cell executes according to the [parameters](#Parameters) when in notebook context, or according to the
# [parsed arguments](#Argument-parsing) when in script context.
# When in notebook context, if the `output` parameter is `None`, then the report will be displayed in the last cell of
# the notebook.
# %%
if __name__ == "__main__":
if in_notebook():
server = reven2.RevenServer(host, port)
except RuntimeError:
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not connect to the server on {host}:{port}.")
export_bookmarks(server, order, context, header, format, escape_description, output_file)
# %%
# %%