class documentation

class Integer(_Type):

Known subclasses: reven2.types._integer.ArchDependentInteger, reven2.types._integer.BigEndian, reven2.types._integer.FixedWidthInteger, reven2.types._integer.LittleEndian

View In Hierarchy

An abstract class whose instances represent the types of integer.

Implementers must specialize the following methods:

Property endianness Property: The endianness of this integer type.
Property signedness Property: The signedness of this integer type.
Method size_bytes The minimal number of bytes necessary to hold an instance of this integer type.
Method _construct_type Return the underlying construct instance

Inherited from Type:

Method parse Parses the value of an instance of this type from a raw buffer, possibly depending on the context.
Method to_bytes Build a byte buffer from a value of this type.
Method is_context_sensitive Whether the context argument needed by some methods actually has an effect.
endianness =

Property: The endianness of this integer type.


RaisesNotImplementedErrorIf not reimplemented by a subclass.
signedness =

Property: The signedness of this integer type.


RaisesNotImplementedErrorIf not reimplemented by a subclass.
def size_bytes(self, context=None):

The minimal number of bytes necessary to hold an instance of this integer type.


ParameterscontextThe context object. See package documentation.
RaisesNotImplementedErrorIf not reimplemented by a subclass.
def _construct_type(self, context=None):

Return the underlying construct instance

API Documentation for reven2, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-12-14 10:42:41.