module documentation


Class Endianness Endianness of an Integer type.
Class Signedness Signedness of an Integer type.
Class Integer An abstract class whose instances represent the types of integer.
Class FixedWidthInteger An integer type of a fixed size.
Class ArchDependentInteger An integer type whose size depends on whether the current context is 32 or 64 bits.
Class BigEndian An integer type that wraps an inner integer type and forces its endianness to big-endian.
Class LittleEndian An integer type that wraps an inner integer type and forces its endianness to little-endian.
Function _int_docstring Undocumented
Function _adint_docstring Undocumented
def _int_docstring(size, signedness, endianness):


def _adint_docstring(signedness, endianness, size32, size64):


API Documentation for reven2, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2 at 2021-12-14 10:42:41.